
Job Aide

Flow Chart Folder vs Subfolder

Job Aide

Helpful job aide for promoting active listening in the workplace.

Set Up Guides

Flipgrid Set-up Guide.pdf

Setup Guide to Flip

Updating Videos in Canvas to Panopto-combined.pdf

Setup Guide for Updating Videos

Cleaning Checklist

I love to-do lists and decided to make an easy check-off list for my daily cleaning habits. I decided to print this document and laminate it for my fridge. That way I can check things off weekly and then just erase the checkboxes when I'm done!

RMDT Dog Breed Breakdown

RMDT Breed Breakdown

I created a digital notebook for my volunteer client with Rocky Mountain Dog Training. This notebook is a resource for new dog owners to learn how to best train their dog based on breed type. This is a working document that I am continuing to work on with the client.